Book Review - Natural Feed Cultivation For Fish
The book, written by Priyambodo K., also invites readers of cultivators to inherit the knowledge of successful fish farming by cultivating natural food. The author explains the advantages of Natural Feed on pages 1 to 4 of this book. Although the fish that are farmed require natural and artificial types of feed, the author believes that the availability of natural food is an important factor in fish farming, especially in hatcheries and ornamental fish farming.
Dear Marine Readers, natural food is live food for fish larvae which include phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos. Natural feed for fish seed larvae has several advantages because its size is relatively small and in accordance with the mouth opening of fish larvae/seeds, high nutritional value, easy to cultivate, its movement can stimulate fish to eat it, can breed quickly so it can be guaranteed, and cost relatively inexpensive cultivation.
The background of the author who has attended the Fisheries Business Expert Training majoring in Aquaculture in 1990 in Jakarta, causes this book to be recommended to be read by Marine Readers.
Come on, take the time to read this book. Also cultivate natural fish feed. Types of natural feed that can be bred include chlorella, tetraselmis, infusoria, Moina sp, rotifers, daphnia sp, mosquito larvae, red worms and artemia.
This book was published by a self-help Publisher in 2005 in Jakarta. The author collaborates with Tri Wahyuningsih, completing this book so that anyone can add knowledge, not only how to cultivate natural food, but also the morphology of each type of natural food, habitat, breeding method, type, eating habits, and life cycle, thus helping farmers the natural feed.
This book can be accessed at :
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