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    Taruna Politeknik Pariaman

    Ruang Baca Utama diisi oleh Taruna Politeknik Pariaman yang sedang mengerjakan tugas ataupun membaca buku untuk bahan referensi. feb-2020

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    Bimbingan Literasi kepada pegawai

    Kegiatan bimbingan literasi kepada para pegawai yang berisi tentang tata cara penelusuran koleksi di website perpustakaan, dilaksanakan oleh ka. sub unit perpustakaan. feb-2020

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    Ruang Koleksi Tandon

    Sebuah ruangan yang berisi koleksi yang hanya boleh dibaca di ruangan tersebut saja dan tidak boleh dipinjamkan atau dibawa keluar ruangan.

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Book Review - Natural Feed Cultivation For Fish (Priyambodo K.)

Book Review - Natural Feed Cultivation For Fish

The book, written by Priyambodo K., also invites readers of cultivators to inherit the knowledge of successful fish farming by cultivating natural food. The author explains the advantages of Natural Feed on pages 1 to 4 of this book. Although the fish that are farmed require natural and artificial types of feed, the author believes that the availability of natural food is an important factor in fish farming, especially in hatcheries and ornamental fish farming.

STP Jurluhkan Bogor Library version of SLiMS 9 Bulian

SLiMS Library Management System (SLiMS) is free software designed to meet the needs of small to large scale library automation. With features that can be said, complete and are still actively being developed, SLiMS can be used by libraries that have collections, members and many staff in a network environment, be it a local network (intranet) or the internet. (https://slims.web.id/web/news/release-slims-bulian)

How to Back-up SLiMS Database with .SQL Format through Export / Import in PHPMyAdmin

Database backup is very important in managing a library website, the activity is carried out to prevent damage or loss of data on the server, so that later it can do a restore. Database backup can be done in various ways, one of them with the SQL format via phpmyadmin. The following procedures for performing a database backup with SQL format on the local / localhost server.

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