Detail Cantuman

Studi kelayakan pengembangan sistem perpustakaan digital berbasis web di perpustakaan sekolah tinggi perikanan jurusan penyuluhan perikanan bogor

Studi kelayakan pengembangan sistem perpustakaan digital berbasis web di perpustakaan sekolah tinggi perikanan jurusan penyuluhan perikanan bogor

DADAN SYACHRULRAMDHANI. The Feasibility Studies Of Web-Based Digital Library System Development In Library Of Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan (STP) Jurusan Penyuluhan Perikanan (Jurluhkan) Bogor. Under supervision of ABDUL RAHMAN SALEH and MEUTHIA RACHMANIAH.

The rapid progress of IT must be balanced and anticipated library by developing a web-based digital library so we need a feasibility study on the development of digital library STP Jurluhkan Bogor to determine and recommend the feasibility of a must-have. The approach is to analyze and compare the elements of the ideal conditions with the conditions of objective conditions STP Jurluhkan Bogor digital library. A series of procedures performed, namely the study of literature, initial data collection and describe the basic elements of the ideal digital library. Design research is a descriptive study of case studies by conducting a feasibility study to the stages: the creation of the interview and a list of suitable instruments, collection and analysis of interview data. Retrieved Conditions eligibility level of the basic elements of digital library library jurluhkan STP Bogor 50.00% HR, 21.40% collection, infrastructure 95.20%, 0.00% SOP, 58.3% of management, 11.11% of the budget or the average average 39.34%, so the library STP Bogor Jurluhkan not 100% worth it to make a web-based digital library development and the need to increase the feasibility of the basic elements in order to develop a web-based digital library system.

Keywords: feasibility studies, digital libraries, web, College of Fisheries



Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab Dadan Syachrulramdhani
Pengarang Dadan Syachrulramdhani - Personal Name
Al Farisi Aminuloh - Personal Name
Edisi Publish
No. Panggil 025 SYA s
Subyek Tesis
Study Kelayakan
Perpustakaan Digital
Judul Seri
GMD Text
Bahasa Indonesia
Penerbit Institut Pertanian Bogor
Tahun Terbit 2012
Tempat Terbit Bogor
Deskripsi Fisik xiii, 109 hlm. : ilus. ; 21 cm
Info Detil Spesifik


. (2012).Studi kelayakan pengembangan sistem perpustakaan digital berbasis web di perpustakaan sekolah tinggi perikanan jurusan penyuluhan perikanan bogor(Publish).Bogor:Institut Pertanian Bogor

.Studi kelayakan pengembangan sistem perpustakaan digital berbasis web di perpustakaan sekolah tinggi perikanan jurusan penyuluhan perikanan bogor(Publish).Bogor:Institut Pertanian Bogor,2012.Text

.Studi kelayakan pengembangan sistem perpustakaan digital berbasis web di perpustakaan sekolah tinggi perikanan jurusan penyuluhan perikanan bogor(Publish).Bogor:Institut Pertanian Bogor,2012.Text

.Studi kelayakan pengembangan sistem perpustakaan digital berbasis web di perpustakaan sekolah tinggi perikanan jurusan penyuluhan perikanan bogor(Publish).Bogor:Institut Pertanian Bogor,2012.Text